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Part 1- Pornography and The Unconscious Mind:

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

I started my project by thinking of ways I could push my work and the size and scale of it further. I decided I wanted to create unexpected, organic shapes and forms in an experimental and playful way to contrast or represent the unconscious mind and pornography's impact on us. I decided to experiment with expandable foam and use different fabrics to create large textile sculptures. I decided on going down the textile route as working with fabrics have always been dismissed as "decorative arts" and a woman's craft, instead of Fine Art. Initially, the work I focused on most was Tracey Emin as her work creates shock for the viewer, which I would like my work to have. Even though, I feel her form of shock is slightly out dated, I think it could be more effective and poignant to create my work in a more subtle and less obvious way. This would be a more thought provoking way as it could encourage the audience to think more about the subject rather than having all the thinking done for them.

I did some research on expandable foam and found that a lot of people use it to make props for cosplay. They typically draw the image or form they want to create onto cardboard, cut it out and then cover the cardboard with expandable foam. I really liked this idea but felt as if it had been done too many times before and I wanted more organic, unpredictable shaped sculptures.

I wanted to use a fabric that would have some movement in it and that would stretch, this initially made me think of balloons as I wanted to create small samples before experimenting with bigger scale sculptures. I experimented with the idea, which I thought it could look very interesting as you can get different sized and shaped balloons. After testing a few samples, I found that the balloons didn't stretch as much as I thought they would and they exploded. I decided to try using less foam inside the balloons as I thought I might have been adding too much foam to begin with as it carries on expanding. I found that this was not the case and after adding a smaller amount of foam, the balloons didn't inflate at all and didn't achieve the look I wanted at all. After this, I went onto think about using leotards and creating a wearable piece/ sculpture but found this would be too expensive as I would not be able to experiment with the idea as much as I'd like to. This led me onto thinking about the possibility of using tights or stockings. My initial worries were that they could ladder and the expandable foam would expand outside of the tights and not create clean, organic sculptures.

Sculpture 1:

I filled one leg of a pair of tights with expandable foam, at first I struggled doing this as I couldn't insert enough of the expanding foam into the tights for them to expand enough. I rectified this issue by rolling the tights down, just as you would if you were putting them on and focused on each different section, letting the tights drop by themselves when they were full. This then created another problem as the nozzle of the foam canister made holes in certain areas of the tights and created a ladder. I used this issue to my advantage and appreciated the lack of control I had over the foam expanding outwards. I found that the sculpture could be seen as a sexual innuendo as it looks almost penis shaped, I did not intend for it to look this way but really liked how the piece was already very experimental and playful. I wanted to have a clear, prominent colour scheme throughout my project and decided on black and different shades of pink. This is because they are very contradictory colours and are usually associated with sex, fetish and kinks. This links to our unconscious mind and our primitive urges (that cannot reach our conscious selves).

I think the luminous pink colour against the black works really as it creates a very dramatic tone for the piece and makes it look almost space-like or a nuclear explosion? Overall, I think this sculpture is very successful and creates the right amount of playfulness I intended them to have.

I really like how the foam created a cloud-like texture which made it look almost look like a nuclear explosion or something that would be associated with dreams? I think the way I used the spray paint also helped emphasise this idea as I left some areas paler, by using less paint in parts and allowing the colours to slightly overlap.

This part of the sculpture was something I was not happy with when I saw the finished outcome. I came to the conclusion that it would be too hard to try and hide and I did not want to take away the unpredictability of the sculpture. After spray painting it, I found I really liked this part as I'd used the neon pink to make it stand out. This made me think about another sexual innuendo, maybe suggesting or symbolising a vagina?

Sculpture 2:

Following on from my first sculpture, the accidental cut I made, encouraged me to explore the ideas of holes and slits within the foam and how I would achieve this. I also wanted to create a more textured, warped/ distorted effect.

To begin with, I filled a pair of tights with expanding foam. Only using one leg of the tights again, so I'm able to use the other leg to tie the sculpture up. I found it a lot easier to fill the tights this time as I rolled it up and didn't press the nozzle into the tights as much. I decided I wanted to try creating holes within the foam, while wet and some when it was dry. After some thought, I realised that the foam would expand outwards if I cut it while wet. So, to make the holes/ slits in the sculpture, I used a staple knife once the foam had dried. Maybe I could try and experiment with the idea of cutting slits into the foam while wet?

Maybe, I could insert different objects in the holes? This could be an innuendo for sex (inserting objects into the holes).

I twisted the top of the tights while they were slightly wet to add texture and more detail to the sculpture. I really like the outcome and would like to explore it further.

I experimented by adding small cylinder shaped pieces of wood into the holes of the sculpture. I really like the idea of combining soft and hard materials together. I could try using metal with the foam or plaster and wood.

Acrylic inks dripped onto tights:

I wanted to experiment further with the tights once I removed them from the foam. I did this by dripping acrylic inks onto the fabric, I found this bled a lot when I applied it, which made it look messy and almost as if it was a mistake. I went onto trying spray paints but didn't like the outcome as it seeped through the fabric and didn't work well on the of the remainder of the foam that was on the tights.

Colour and Sexuality:


  • Aggressive, empowering, alluring, mystery, power, authority and rebellion

  • Reminds me of fantasies, affairs and secrets?

Neon Pink:

  • Powerful, dominant, feminine, sexual, passion, energy

  • Reminds me of confidence, playfulness and flirtatiousness

Pale Pink:

  • Submissive, shy, feminine, sexual, romance/ flirtatious

  • Reminds me of playfulness and tenderness


  • Sexy, desirable, fertility and attractive

  • Reminds me of "red light" districts, alluring to men, it grabs attention, and the phrase "see red" which implies being unable to control urges.

Ernesto Neto:

Ernesto Neto's distinctive fabric sculptures and participatory environments continually push the boundaries of art, architecture and sensorial experience. Emphasising the importance of the viewers active participation in his work, he sought to expand the aesthetic experience beyond the purely visual, encouraging visitors to touch, smell and walk inside the artworks.

Neto had developed a unique sculptural repertoire involving organic shapes made by filling lycra with lead or styrofoam pellets. The sculptures usually hang from the ceiling, the thin, malleable lycra acts like a skin. Sometimes, Neto shapes the lycra by filling it with spices - pepper, cumin, cloves and ginger.

His environments encourage an intimate, almost spiritual relationship between the viewer and the artwork. At times, the sensuous qualities of the work take on sexual connotations, as the work explores the spaces between ourselves and others, and inside our own bodies.

I think Neto's work links well to my work as his work is unavoidable and something you have to confront because of the size. Similar to my work as the unconscious mind/ pornography is unavoidable. Meaning it doesn't take a lot to be confronted by it. I would like my work to be as sensuous and intimate as this. I would love to be able to create work to a similar size and scale as I like how the soft materials are used on such a big scale. Maybe I could explore the possibilities of including different scents into my own work?

Sculpture 3:

I decided to experiment with the idea of cutting holes into the foam while it was still wet. I did this by cutting small slits into the tights with a staple knife. This created a very organic shape and gave the sculpture a lot of life and movement.

The foam that has expanded from the tights had created a dripping effect down the sculpture. I really like how this has turned out and would like to explore this idea further.

It looks as though the foam has exploded out of the tights. After experimenting with acrylic inks and spray paint, I decided to paint each individual bit of foam by hand with acrylic paint. I didn't have any pink acrylic paint, so I mixed my own.

This piece is very experimental and playful, however I now see them as elements of the body. The creases, bulging bits of foam reminds me of fat, flesh and possibly skin? There is a strong and unavoidable relationship between the sculpture and the concept. I feel there is an awkward element in my work, an uncomfortable aspect. The work has a dark aesthetic, a sexual tendency that evokes the work. It makes me think about the relationship with the body and mind, the awkwardness of the body and the idea of abuse towards our bodies and minds, that we may inflict on ourselves.

Exploring Aphrodisiac Scents:

I would have also liked to experiment with the idea of different aphrodisiac scents, particularly scents that arouse men, such as black pepper, cinnamon, lavender and pumpkin. I wanted to do this as my project focuses on how women go through a lot of physical and psychological abuse within the porn industry for the pleasure of men.

I would like to use scents with my sculptures as when exhibiting my work, I'd like the viewer to be able to interact with them. Walk around them, underneath them, smell them and touch them.


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