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Curiosity is the reason I decided to study Fine Art.


Curiosity is the reason I decided to study Fine Art, experimentation and constantly pushing boundaries. The unpredictability and the journey it takes me on when creating new work. I am constantly looking for ways to develop my art, conceptually or aesthetically. I find myself taking my work further than what I initially expected due to my curiosity and pure passion for the subject. 


In the past year, I have found myself maturing with materials, methods, techniques and thought processes. I've learnt to question the world around me, interpret things differently and look at the world with a fresh pair of eyes. I have found that I have complete freedom of interpretation. 

Concepts are what motivate me, I discovered this when I began to appreciate the imperfections in my work and found myself putting my ideas before the finished piece. I think about the space beyond the four walls of a gallery or my studio. This has helped me mature as an artist as I now think about shaping my work to a wider range of audiences. Subjects of my work are always personal or current subjects that I am extremely passionate about. From these themes, I am able to experiment with my ideas and how I can take them further. 


Being able to turn my ideas into physical forms, mainly through sculpture and installation, is extremely rewarding for me as an artist. The interactive qualities sculpture and installation can have on an audience are what continuously inspires me.

About Kirby Corless: About
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