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18th - 24th May 2020

This week is very important to a lot of people and mental health is something that affected me during my teenage years. Being a teenager was an extremely difficult and confusing time for me, I was naive and wanted to be rebellious, while wanting people so desperately to like me. I did such silly immature things which inevitably hurt and upset those closest to me. I was constantly looking for approval from people and by doing that, I lowered my own self worth. I was in such a rush to be an adult that I didn't notice or care. I came across as this strong, confident rebellious teenager when in reality I was struggling and extremely insecure. 


I was very undecided as to whether I should share these artworks as I don't tend to like people seeing my vulnerable, open side. But I want to make clear that no matter how much of a horrible teenager I was, it should never EVER warrant this kind of abuse and hate. The images I'm sharing are based off a handful of anonymous messages I received on Ask FM. Truthfully, I didn't use the app for very long as I was getting continuous hurtful and inappropriate messages for a 14/15 year old. 


I'm assuming a lot of people who wrote these anonymous messages probably still follow me on social media now, so I just hope whoever sent these have changed. I'm a much happier, kinder person now and I have finally been able to let go of these horrible assumptions about me because they are simply not true and I will never let them put me down or make me feel insecure, scared or embarrassed again. 


I can only continue to look forward to the future and I'm very proud of who and where I am now.

Mental Health Awareness: Text
Mental Health Awareness: Pro Gallery
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