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Part 5 - Guerrilla Art and Sex Work. (Language and the Female Body)

I took my Telephone Box out to different locations around Preston to photograph it.

There was a lot of interest in the Telephone Box and a lot of people stopped to talk to me and ask me questions about it. I wanted to photograph it in public spaces and next to or near other Telephone Boxes.

I photographed it in Winckley Square, Preston Flag Market, Market Street and Fletcher Road.

I decided to take it to Fletcher Road in Preston, this road was (1980) and still is very popular for prostitutes. People who live in Preston are familiar with what happens on Fletcher Road.

Here are two news articles about Fletcher Road:

I found a file full of information about Operation Kerb and Safer Sex Works, which were operations set up by the police.

Here are two videos of my Telephone Box:

I was being interviewed by the Lancashire Evening Post and decided to ask whether the photographer could also take some photographs of me, with my Telephone Box:

I was so made up with these photographs, they looked amazing and my Telephone Box contrasted against the surrounding environment, making it stand out perfectly.

Since I'd photographed my Telephone Box in Preston, I decided to place my Tart Cards in various locations in Wigan. I really enjoyed experimenting with guerrilla art, the experience made me feel terrified and exhilarated at the same time. I felt very cautious of the unsuspecting police officers around and felt the need to sprint away once I’d left a card there. I placed my Tart Cards in various locations such as telephone boxes, park benches, tress, signposts and underneath pub beer mats when people weren’t looking.

I found I'd be able to place the Tart Cards more inconspicuously without a costume or something disguising my face. People weren't paying attention to what I was doing until I'd actually done it and they found the cards dotted around.

I'm very happy with the outcome of my project. I have had 48 website views in total, meaning that people are following the link to my website and watching the video. I'd have loved to be able to create a performance piece from my work which I initially planned to do. But I think overall, it is very effective and has done exactly what I set out to do.

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